Honorable Mention / 2021 / Nature / Trees


“The Poetry of Trees” series documents the similarities between humans and trees, particularly in their physical characteristics. The Ficus rubiginosa, through the intricacy of its branches and leaves, mirrors the tubular branch-like pattern in our lungs. Its trunk curiously resembles the muscular structure of the human form.

This series aims to awaken a new sense of awareness to visualize a different dimension in nature and the everyday.

To see trees in a new way is to see ourselves in a new way.

Emilia Kashfian is an int'l award-winning fine art photographer, based in Los Angeles. Her art has been exhibited in various galleries across the world, including FotoNostrum Mediterranean House of Photography in Barcelona; Valle World Hall Gallery in Barcelona; Espace Beaurepaire in Paris; Mira Forum in Portugal; PH21 Gallery in Budapest; Black Box Gallery in Portland, among others. Her work has also been exhibited at the LA Art Show, and with Feature Shoot’s exhibitions at Foley Gallery in New York City; Blank Wall Gallery in Athens; Laurent Gallery in Melbourne; Matca Gallery in Hanoi.

Awards 2023 PX3 Bronze Winner & 2 Honorable Mentions/Special

2022 IPA 3rd Place Still in Motion & 2 Honorable Mentions/Fine Art

2022 PX3 2 Honorable Mentions/Fine Art, People

2022 Fine Art Photography Awards - 4 Nominations

2022 B/W Spider Awards 3 Honorable Mentions/11 Nominations

2022 IPPAWARDS 3 Honorable Mentions

2021 BIFA 5 HR's/Architecture, Fine Art, People

2021 Julia Margaret Cameron Award - 1st Place Winner/Architecture, Runner Up/BNW, 28 Honorable Mentions - Abstract, Architecture, BNW, Children, Culture & Daily Life, Fine Art, Nature, & Street

2021 Spider Awards, 2 Honorable Mentions & 5 Nominations-Abstract/Fine Art

2021 IPA 2 Honorable Mentions, Architecture-Abstract
2021 IPA 3 Honorable Mentions, Fine Art (Abstract, Minimal, Other)
2021 IPA 2 Honorable Mentions, People-Street Photography
2021 IPA 3 Honorable Mentions, Special-Smartphone

2021 PX3 Bronze Winner, Nature-Trees
2021 PX3 Bronze Winner, Special-Smartphone
2021 PX3 Honorable Mention, Architecture-Interior
2021 PX3 3 Honorable Mentions, Special-Smartphone

2021 MINIMALIST PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS - 2 Honorable Mentions/Fine Art & Street

2021 MIFA Winner, 3 Honorable Mentions/Architecture-Buildings/Interiors, Nature/Trees

2021 APPLE SHOT ON iPHONE Campaign - Solo Featured Artist

2021 APPLE SHOT ON iPHONE Campaign - Featured Artist/The Vertical Video Series

2020 10th Annual MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS (MPA) - 3 Honorable Mentions/Transportation, Macro/Details, & Water Category

2020 TIFA Winner, Honorable Mention/Nature-Trees

2020 IPA Winner, 2nd Place in Special/Smartphone
(with 7 Honorable Mentions in Architecture-Abstract, Fine Art-Minimalism, People-Lifestyle, Still in Motion/Video & Street Photography)

2020 IPPAWARDS Winner, 2nd Place-Architecture

2019 MOBILE PHOTO AWARDS, Honorable Mention/Black & White

2019 APPLE SHOT ON iPHONE Campaign - Featured Artist/The Mini Series/The Abstract Series/The Reflection Series